
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where did this come from?

This morning, as I was applying a very light layer of Vanilla eyeshadow, I looked down and was like, "what is that?" I was looking in my container of shadesticks and saw a navy blue one I don't even remember buying. But it wasn't a shadestick, it was a greasepaint stick in the color B, and my first thought was, "how do I even use this?" I seriously don't even remember buying it. I opened the stick and it was completely unused, not even swatched. Sad...so sad, I thought to myself. I have all of these products and competely forget about most of them. So that is my next task, to go through all of my make up and put aside the products I have never used or tested.

Does this only happen to me? Or are there other make up junkies out there who come across this same issue?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So I finally decided to do something with my overstock of products! I know a lot of people ask where to get pigment samples and there are numerous way to get them. If you are shopping at your local MAC, you can ask an artist there for a sample, usually they only like to give them when you buy products, which totally understandable. I know a lot people swap samples, but you can also purchase them at low prices. Samples are great, because buying a full pigment jar can be pricey, and a little goes a lonngggg way when it comes to pigments. So if you are interest in pigment samples, please go check out my store at www.gingerlybeauty.com.